Men's Ministries

Monday Morning Bible Study
Some 10-20 men of our church meet on Monday mornings from 6:30 to 7:30 to begin their week with Bible study, led and coordinated by Mike Beecher. For more information, contact the church office.

Aluminum Can Drive
Members of First Presbyterian Church are encouraged to save their aluminum cans throughout the year and bring them to the church parking lot once in the spring, summer, fall, and winter.  This activity is sponsored by the Men’s Monday Morning Bible Study.  Receipts from the recycling go to local charities. Contact: Stan or Nancy Conning at 847-358-7259 or

This is a group of retirees, mostly men, who assist one morning a week with the maintenance and repair of our church facilities. Contact: our Business Manager, Cindy Koerner, at 847-255-5900 or

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