Children's Ministries

musical notes 2

New Children’s Choir
Children’s and Music Ministries are excited to introduce a Children’s Choir! Children’s Choir is open to children in kindergarten through fifth grade (exceptions to include older children can be made) and is directed by Nick Pulikowski, First Pres tenor Choral Scholar and professional singer and music educator. The choir meets Sundays, immediately following Sunday School, 10:45-10:55 am, in Fellowship Hall.

Contacts: Nick Pulikowski, Katy AllenAdam Hendrickson

child min word cloud

Children Are Welcome at First Presbyterian Church!

The concepts, feelings, and actions contained in this word cloud are just a few of the things your child will experience as he or she participates in faith formation at First Pres.

Ensuring the safety of every child is a high priority at First Pres. All volunteers are required to participate in Safe Sanctuary training, which includes a background check, volunteer application, and an interview with a pastor prior to working with children. Training is required every three years.

It is our prayer that your family will feel at home at First Pres! Through worship, faith formation, special events, and service opportunities we seek to connect with you and your family in meaningful and faithful ways.

9/3/2012 to 9/10/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 9/9/2012:

Wandering in the Wilderness

Acts of Faith - Orange (3rd Grade) - Blue (4th Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Red (5th Grade)
Creation Station - Purple (1st Grade)
Mary & Martha - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Science Exploration - Green (Kindergarten)

9/10/2012 to 9/17/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 9/16/2012:

Wandering in the Wilderness

Acts of Faith - Red (5th Grade) - Green (Kindergarten)
Paradise Pictures - Purple (1st Grade)
Creation Station - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Mary & Martha - Orange (3rd Grade)
Science Exploration - Blue (4th Grade)

9/17/2012 to 9/24/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 9/23/2012:

Wandering in the Wilderness

Acts of Faith - Blue (4th Grade) - Red (5th Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Green (Kindergarten)
Creation Station - Purple (1st Grade)
Mary & Martha - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Science Exploration - Orange (3rd Grade)

9/24/2012 to 10/1/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 9/30/2012:

Wandering in the Wilderness

Acts of Faith - Orange (3rd Grade) - Blue (4th Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Red (5th Grade)
Creation Station - Green (Kindergarten)
Mary & Martha - Purple (1st Grade)
Science Exploration - Yellow (2nd Grade)

10/1/2012 to 10/8/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 10/7/2012:

Solomon & Building the Temple

Acts of Faith - Yellow (2nd Grade) - Orange (3rd Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Blue (4th Grade)
Creation Station - Red (5th Grade)
Mary & Martha - Green (Kindergarten)
Science Exploration - Purple (1st Grade)

10/8/2012 to 10/15/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 10/14/2012:

Solomon & Building the Temple

Acts of Faith - Purple (1st Grade) - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Orange (3rd Grade)
Creation Station - Blue (4th Grade)
Mary & Martha - Red (5th Grade)
Science Exploration - Green (Kindergarten)

10/15/2012 to 10/22/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 10/21/2012:

Solomon & Building the Temple

Acts of Faith - Green (Kindergarten) - Purple (1st Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Creation Station - Orange (3rd Grade)
Mary & Martha - Blue (4th Grade)
Science Exploration - Red (5th Grade)

10/22/2012 to 10/29/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 10/28/2012:

Solomon & Building the Temple

Acts of Faith - Red (5th Grade) - Green (Kindergarten)
Paradise Pictures - Purple (1st Grade)
Creation Station - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Mary & Martha - Orange (3rd Grade)
Science Exploration - Blue (4th Grade)

10/29/2012 to 11/5/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 11/4/2012:

Mission Sunday

11/5/2012 to 11/12/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 11/11/2012:

Good Samaritan

Acts of Faith - Blue (4th Grade) - Red (5th Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Green (Kindergarten)
Creation Station - Purple (1st Grade)
Mary & Martha - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Science Exploration - Orange (3rd Grade)

11/12/2012 to 11/19/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 11/18/2012:

Good Samaritan

Acts of Faith - Orange (3rd Grade) - Blue (4th Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Red (5th Grade)
Creation Station - Green (Kindergarten)
Mary & Martha - Purple (1st Grade)
Science Exploration - Yellow (2nd Grade)

11/19/2012 to 11/26/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 11/25/2012:

Good Samaritan

Acts of Faith - Yellow (2nd Grade) - Orange (3rd Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Blue (4th Grade)
Creation Station - Red (5th Grade)
Mary & Martha - Green (Kindergarten)
Science Exploration - Purple (1st Grade)

11/26/2012 to 12/3/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 12/2/2012:

Jesus is Born

Acts of Faith - Purple (1st Grade) - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Orange (3rd Grade)
Creation Station - Blue (4th Grade)
Mary & Martha - Red (5th Grade)
Science Exploration - Green (Kindergarten)

12/3/2012 to 12/10/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 12/9/2012:

Jesus is Born

Acts of Faith - Green (Kindergarten) - Purple (1st Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Creation Station - Orange (3rd Grade)
Mary & Martha - Blue (4th Grade)
Science Exploration - Red (5th Grade)

12/10/2012 to 12/17/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 12/16/2012:

Jesus is Born

Acts of Faith - Red (5th Grade) - Green (Kindergarten)Blue (4th Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Purple (1st Grade)
Creation Station - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Mary & Martha - Orange (3rd Grade)
Science Exploration -

12/17/2012 to 12/24/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 12/23/2012:

There will be no Kingdom this week
12/24/2012 to 12/31/2012
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 12/30/2012:

There will be no Kingdom this week
12/31/2012 to 1/7/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 1/6/2013:

Abraham and Sarah

Acts of Faith - Blue (4th Grade) - Red (5th Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Green (Kindergarten)
Creation Station - Purple (1st Grade)
Mary & Martha - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Science Exploration - Orange (3rd Grade)

1/7/2013 to 1/14/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 1/13/2013:

Abraham and Sarah

Acts of Faith - Orange (3rd Grade) - Blue (4th Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Red (5th Grade)
Creation Station - Green (Kindergarten)
Mary & Martha - Purple (1st Grade)
Science Exploration - Yellow (2nd Grade)

1/14/2013 to 1/21/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 1/20/2013:

Abraham and Sarah

Acts of Faith - Yellow (2nd Grade) - Orange (3rd Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Blue (4th Grade)
Creation Station - Red (5th Grade)
Mary & Martha - Green (Kindergarten)
Science Exploration - Purple (1st Grade)

1/21/2013 to 1/28/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 1/27/2013:

Abraham and Sarah

Acts of Faith - Purple (1st Grade) - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Orange (3rd Grade)
Creation Station - Blue (4th Grade)
Mary & Martha - Red (5th Grade)
Science Exploration - Green (Kindergarten)

1/28/2013 to 2/4/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 2/3/2013:

Abraham and Sarah

Acts of Faith - Green (Kindergarten) - Purple (1st Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Creation Station - Orange (3rd Grade)
Mary & Martha - Blue (4th Grade)
Science Exploration - Red (5th Grade)

2/4/2013 to 2/11/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 2/10/2013:

Misson Sunday

2/11/2013 to 2/18/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 2/17/2013:

Jesus and John the Baptist

Acts of Faith - Red (5th Grade) - Green (Kindergarten)
Paradise Pictures - Purple (1st Grade)
Creation Station - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Mary & Martha - Orange (3rd Grade)
Science Exploration - Blue (4th Grade)

2/18/2013 to 2/25/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 2/24/2013:

Jesus and John the Baptist

Acts of Faith - Blue (4th Grade) - Red (5th Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Green (Kindergarten)
Creation Station - Purple (1st Grade)
Mary & Martha - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Science Exploration - Orange (3rd Grade)

2/25/2013 to 3/4/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 3/3/2013:

Jesus and John the Baptist

Acts of Faith - Orange (3rd Grade) - Blue (4th Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Red (5th Grade)
Creation Station - Green (Kindergarten)
Mary & Martha - Purple (1st Grade)
Science Exploration - Yellow (2nd Grade)

3/4/2013 to 3/11/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 3/10/2013:

Jesus and John the Baptist

Acts of Faith - Yellow (2nd Grade) - Orange (3rd Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Blue (4th Grade)
Creation Station - Red (5th Grade)
Mary & Martha - Green (Kindergarten)
Science Exploration - Purple (1st Grade)

3/11/2013 to 3/18/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 3/17/2013:

Holy Week and Easter

Acts of Faith - Purple (1st Grade) - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Orange (3rd Grade)
Creation Station - Blue (4th Grade)
Mary & Martha - Red (5th Grade)
Science Exploration - Green (Kindergarten)

3/18/2013 to 3/25/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 3/24/2013:

Holy Week and Easter

Acts of Faith - Green (Kindergarten) - Purple (1st Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Creation Station - Orange (3rd Grade)
Mary & Martha - Blue (4th Grade)
Science Exploration - Red (5th Grade)

3/25/2013 to 4/1/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 3/31/2013:

There will be no Kingdom this week due to Easter

4/1/2013 to 4/8/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 4/7/2013:

Holy Week and Easter

Acts of Faith - Red (5th Grade) - Green (Kindergarten)
Paradise Pictures - Purple (1st Grade)
Creation Station - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Mary & Martha - Orange (3rd Grade)
Science Exploration - Blue (4th Grade)

4/8/2013 to 4/15/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 4/14/2013:

Holy Week and Easter

Acts of Faith - Blue (4th Grade) - Red (5th Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Green (Kindergarten) & 4-year-olds
Creation Station - Purple (1st Grade)
Mary & Martha - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Science Exploration - Orange (3rd Grade)

4/15/2013 to 4/22/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 4/21/2013:

Mission Sunday

4/22/2013 to 4/29/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 4/29/2013:


Acts of Faith - Orange (3rd Grade) - Blue (4th Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Red (5th Grade)
Creation Station - Green (Kindergarten)
Mary & Martha - Purple (1st Grade)
Science Exploration - Yellow (2nd Grade)

4/29/2013 to 5/6/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 5/5/2013:


Acts of Faith - Yellow (2nd Grade) - Orange (3rd Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Blue (4th Grade)
Creation Station - Red (5th Grade) visiting Y-Search today
Mary & Martha - Green (Kindergarten)
Science Exploration - Purple (1st Grade)

5/6/2013 to 5/13/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 5/12/2013:


Acts of Faith - Purple (1st Grade) - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Orange (3rd Grade)
Creation Station - Blue (4th Grade)
Mary & Martha - Red (5th Grade)
Science Exploration - Green (Kindergarten)

5/13/2013 to 5/20/2013
The Kingdom lesson for Sunday 5/19/2013:


Acts of Faith - Green (Kindergarten) - Purple (1st Grade)
Paradise Pictures - Yellow (2nd Grade)
Creation Station - Orange (3rd Grade)
Mary & Martha - Blue (4th Grade)
Science Exploration - Red (5th Grade)

5/21/2012 to 9/2/2012
There will be no Kingdom in the summer:

Returns in Fall 2012


                to see all of the youth events on the calendar...

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