Worship Links
Worship Bulletins
8:30 am: 
finding grace
9:30 am:
11:00 am:



First Presbyterian Church is committed to being a welcoming and worshiping community where people of all ages can grow in their love of God. Whether you are already a part of our church family or are planning to visit for the first time, you will find a place of learning, celebration, and encouragement. This is a place for you.

Cross mosaic resized


Holy Week & Easter Worship Schedule

April 9: Palm Sunday Worship: 8:30, 9:30, & 11:00 am 
Welcome the Messiah with waving palm fronds.

April 13: Maundy Thursday Worship: 7:00 pm
Take part in a joint service of worship at St. John United Church of Christ (308 N. Evergreen Ave.).

April 14: Good Friday Service of Darkness: 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary
Experience Christ’s passion in worship.

April 16: Easter Sunday
Celebrate Christ’s glorious resurrection!

6:30 am Sunrise Service at North School Park
(Intersection of St. James & Evergreen Streets) -- 
Meet in the Chapel if inclement weather.

8:00 am finding grace* (Chapel)
(*Please note earlier time for finding grace.)

9:30 am CROSSROADS (Sanctuary)

11:00 am HERITAGE (Sanctuary)

Free child care will be available for all Easter worship services except Easter Sunrise. All events except Easter Sunrise worship will be webcast.

The Way updated


The Way
A Sermon Series by Alex Lang

The earliest followers of Jesus were not called Christians. They were referred to as followers of the Way, because they were known for living according to Jesus’ teachings. Each Sunday from January through Easter, join Alex Lang on a journey through the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount in the new sermon series, The Way. Learn more.

chapel band

Regular Sunday Schedule

8:30-9:30 am: finding grace Worship in the Chapel (modern)

9:30-10:30 am: CROSSROADS Worship in the Sanctuary (blended)

9:45-10:45 am: Education for All Ages (September - May)

11:00 am – 12:00 pm: HERITAGE Worship in the Sanctuary (traditional)

Enjoy coffee and fellowship all morning in the Parlor, Narthex, and Forum.

Learn more about these services.

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  Lectionary   Our Daily Bread


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